Evil Woman

Evil Woman
  • Genre: melodrama
  • Type: TV movie
  • Year: 2009
  • Status: completed
  • Production: FILM.UA Group, SHPIL
  • Running time: 90 min

Elena Nikolayevna Luzhyna is an iron business-lady in its most vivid manifestation. Everything in her life has its order, place and purpose. She takes control over everything; she always gets what she needs; she pays for everything; she hates objections; she knows they call her a bitch and seems to be proud of that.

On hearing that her grandmother is dying, she leaves everything and goes together with the best doctor to see the old woman living in a village up-country. The doctor is also not happy about the situation because he has planned vacation for that time. Their journey will not be easy and predictable: bad roads and absence of civilization will be a real challenge. Elena will have to find deep inside a humanity, compassion and charity while turning sometimes from boss into a delicate woman&hellip

Director: Vladimir Shevelkov
Producer: Victor Mirsky, Maxim Ukhanov, Irina Pavlova
Director of photography: Leypus Rimvidas
Scriptwriter: Arkadiy Tigay

Ekaterina Rednikova, Ivan Shvedov, Andrew Fedortsov, Sergey Migitsko