
«PUMB Touch» commercial by «Postmodern»

• 18.11.2013

Not so long ago PUMB launched an advertising campaign of new bank cards "PUMB Touch”. «Postmodern» produced the commercial for the bank.

Using a motion capture system (MoCap), which is installed in the 8th pavilion at FILM.UA Studio, «Postmodern» and director Yuri Motrich managed to create "protagonists ", which appear in the ad.

Agency Tabasco

Production: MOKA STUDIO

Yuri Motrich, director

Production: POSTMODERN

And here is a video that shows the full production process:

Final video:

«Pumb Touch is a banking product for those who love fun and to spend time in an interesting way, who are not afraid to make the first move, who know how they should enjoy life together with their friends, who are young and full of ambitions. If you are between 16 and 28 years old than this product is for you», - says the bank's website