
«Moths» — explosion of Chernobyl nuclear power plant

• 19.06.2012

The shooting of the series «Moths» continues. According to the script, main character Alya and Mariana travel from Kiev to Pripyat just on the night of the explosion at the plant. Girls see the unusual and strange phenomena of the explosion in the atmosphere. The car stalls and the girls are left alone in the middle of a dark road ...

Night shooting took place for two days. Helium ball was used for the filming as well as a lot of pyrotechnics, however, these scenes will later become one of the most prominent in post-production.

A dog named Masya also took part in the shooting.

Dog gets frightened by the explosion and runs away, Mariana rushes after it and Alya is left completely alone. The car doesn’t start. At this time on the road appears a column of fire engines, which at full speed rush to the site of the tragedy. They push girl’s car off in a ditch, leaving Alya without a cover…