Inseparable drama series produced by FILM.UA, winner of FICCI BAF for best VFX as well as of Platinum Remi Award (WorldFest Houston), Silver Plaque (Chicago International Film Festival Television Awards) and Yellow Oscar (Uranium Film Festival), is now available for Amazon Prime subscribers in the US and Canada.
The series became the sixth project distributed by FILM.UA Group and published on the platform. Before, Amazon library published both seasons of The Sniffer detective series; a military feature Battle for Sevastopol; a melodrama The Red Queen; and Back to Basics and CineCuisine digital projects. The Red Queen made it to TOP 100 most viewed videos on the platform last July, and Battle for Sevastopol achieved the same in January and February 2017.
FILM.UA Distribution actively extends the Group’s projects presence at digital platforms. For example, in early May detective series The Sniffer became the first Ukrainian series published on Netflix. Soon, FILM.UA Group projects will also be available for iTunes subscribers.
A love story of a high school graduate Alya and a military conscript Pasha against the background of a major man-made disaster of the 20th century, Chernobyl. They were destined to meet in late April 1986 in Pripyat. Like butterflies drawn to the fire they flew towards their feelings, as if the world around them didn't exist. This is a film about love and only love…
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