The largest animation studio in Ukraine Animagrad, which is a part of FILM.UA Group, presents a package of animated feature projects that she started to produce in 2015, as well as a lineup of animated TV series, which will continue the success of "Eskimo girl".
FILM.UA Group sees animation as an important strategic direction in its development. Despite the fact that the production of animated content requires large investments, with a systematic approach and the initial orientation to foreign markets, it is not only able to return on investment, but also bring considerable profit. World experience shows that high-quality animated content can be easily adapted for any market, since uses a universal language of images.
FILM.UA Group has formed the program of development of animation content for the next 5 years, which includes a package of full-length animated films and the development of a series direction. Animagrad company has already started its implementation.
At the moment the studio has 3 feature projects in production:
- "The Stolen Princess". The story is based on the poem by Alexander Pushkin. The release is planned for 2016-2017.
- "Mavka. The forest song". The story is based on the drama by Lesia Ukrainka "Forest Song". The release is planned for 2017-2018.
- "Snow republic". The original story by Animagrad. The release is planned for 2018-2019.
Animagrad also has a couple of feature animated projects in development. Roksolana - a fantastic prequel abouth the meeting of a worldwide favorite couple, Robinson Crusoe - a modern interpretation of a story of a man who managed to survive on a desert island.
Series production is no less important activity of Animagrad. And studio have already taken very important steps in this direction. In November, it will complete the work on the 4th season of "Eskimo girl", based on the original idea of Ukrainian authors. By the end of 2015 Animagrad will have released 104 episodes of the cartoon about the adventures of a curious girl, who lives in the far Arctic.
"The work on "Eskimo girl" was for a very important starting point in the series production. We worked not only on the creation of the content, but also on the creation of a brand. Merchandising and licensing only begin to develop in Ukraine, however, we are confident that the use of cartoon characters to monetize off-air content can and should become a profitable part of the entertainment industry in Ukraine. That's how it happens around the world - says Egor Olesov, CEO Animagrad.- In addition, we have extensive experience in the international distribution of animated content. "Eskimo Girl" was sold to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, China, Canada, USA, Kazakhstan, Lithuania and Russia".
In the near future, the studio plans to start work on the show "Tickie". It is a series about a little girl and her animal friends, who all live on a small farm. There will be 4 seasons, each will consist of 26 episodes.
In addition, the studio is working on the TV series "Elementaria", where each of the 4 main characters represents one of the natural elements: water, fire, earth and air.
Animagrad gathered a strong team of top Ukrainian animators who work on the most modern equipment and own the most advanced technologies. For the script creation studio attracts not only the best Ukrainian writers, but writers and consultants from Hollywood.
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