FILM.UA presented its payTV channel FILM.UADRAMA within PayTV in Ukraine-2015: Model of the Future Market at Kiev Media Week. Exclusive broadcast of the new channel will be included into VOLIA CINE+ VIP premium package
FILM.UADRAMA #Love from the first episode is a channel of favourite TV series produced by FILM.UA Group.
"We do really have the content to show!", - says Polina Tolmacheva. FILM.UA has thousands hours of original series and programmes. Produced by FILM.UA media group they attracted about 200 mln. viewers in 2014. And this year we expect much more. "We will show dramas, TV movies, and lots of thematic shows and programmes, devoted to TV and film production. Among them The TV Network (reviews of the new TV programmes),Backstage (the show about everything that happens on set), Mediachtivo (the highly recommended books on media with Polina Tolmacheva as a host), The Film Kitchen (cooking videos)".
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