
Olga Zakharova «How to sell an idea to channels and viewers»

• 18.05.2015

May 14 Olga Zakharova held a workshop within Skill Bill Pro on "How to sell an idea to channels and viewers".

Key points of the workshop:

A person who sits in front of a TV screen and holds a remote control, believes that the whole world is in his hands. And it is true. Viewer "sells" his/her time to one or another channel.

Currently, Ukrainian viewers can watch 100-160 channels, but still only 3-4 channles remain preferable.

"Modern society is built around the cult of emotions. Therefore, when consuming goods, we want it to match our inner world..." - Joseph Pine, Strategic Horizons LLP. This statement fully applies to TV content.

At its core television meets three basic requirements: inform, entertain and educate (does not constitute, but enlightens).

If the channel is interested in satisfying their ongoing loyal audience - it focuses on the needs of one or two categories, and speaks to them in their language. In this case, another category of viewers is a key target audience, and the second, which is similar in psychographics - complimentary. Trying to satisfy a wider range of audience usually blurs brand of a TV channel, violates its integrity, disorients the viewer.

What is important is not only the content but also how it is offered to the viewer - a way of communication with the audience. Communication in the promotional campaign of content may be based on emphasizing and accentuating aspects that are clear and interesting to the target audience.

What is a brand? Brand - an image and reputation, promise and communication, perception and trust. Specifics of television brands: intangible; migration of content; constant mobility; relative fragility; high dependence on the actions of competitors. TV channels brands, TV programme brands or TV host brands can act as TV brands. Strong solid brand combines all three brands in one and they carry same values.

Re-branding involves not only the replacement of the visual elements and the language of communication, but also the rejection of a piece of content.

It is easier to launch a niche channel, but it's extremely difficult to expand its audience.