
October 9 Skill Bill holds a master class on budgeting and production planning

• 06.10.2014

After the general producer approved the script executive producer and production manager proceed to work. The next Skill Bill MasterClass will be deducated to these professions and their responsibilities. 

October 9 at 19:00 we invite you to discuss "Budget and filmmaking process - from script to the media. Executive producer and production manager. Timing and production schedule". The following questions will be discussed:

  1. What are the responsibilities of the executive producer? 
  2. What is the role of the production manager? How he interacts with the executive producer? 
  3. What basic data taken into account when planning the budget for the picture?
  4. What is timing? How many periods it covers? 
  5. Timing, production schedule, call sheet.


 Катерина Швец

CEO FILM.UA Production, executive producer

Graduated from the Kiev State Institute of Theatrical Arts, Film and Television faculty and obtained qualification in film production. Since 2002 works in the film.

As executive producer worked on "Inseparable", "Strangely familiar", "In for a win", "Hello, mother!", "Territory of Beauty", "The Thaw" and others.

 Анна Скок

production manager at FILM.UA

Graduated from the Kiev Institute of Music and University of Culture and Arts.

Worked on "Black Sheep", "Inseparable", "Strangely familiar", "In for a win", "Hello, mother!" and others