Border Guards

  • Genre: drama
  • Type: series
  • Year: 2024-...
  • Status: in production
  • Production: NTN , Далі буде філмз
  • Running time: 24 x 24 min

Future border guards come to the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine from different parts of Ukraine and for different reasons. Some are continuing a family tradition, some are following in the footsteps of a school friend, and some have made the decision after completing their military service. The cadets' mentor, Ivan Krynytskyi, uses his own method to turn yesterday's "yard boys" into real combat officers.

Director: Oleksiy Esakov
Producer: Iryna Kurchakova, Oleksandr Zhuravsky, Yaroslav Sten, Kateryna Shvets
Scriptwriter: Yaroslav Sten, Bohdan Hatsilyak, Kyrylo Tymchenko

Volodymyr Rashchuk, Kateryna Varchenko, Andriy Saminin, Ihor Portyanko, Dmytro Pavko, Anastasia Nesterenko, Yevhen Lamakh, Anastasia Ivaniuk, Yevhen Medvid