№ 3/307/1450
- Section 1
- Passenger cars
- Section 2
- Retro
- Section 3
- Quantity
- 1
- Title
- Moskvich-401
- Year
- 1954
- Technical data
- Passenger car, the number of seats - 4. Carbureted engine, four-cylinder, four stroke. Engine capacity - 1,074 liters. Maximum speed - 90 km / h Weight in running order 885 kg. Length - 3,855 m, width - 1,4 m, height - 1,555 m Transmission - Manual, Two-way, with three speeds forward and one back.
- History info
- By the end of the thirties, against unfolded by the time the mass motorization in the West, the government has to realize that only one public transportation will not be able to fully meet the needs of society. Also, the car was seen as a good means of motivation and encouragement. So there was interest in creating affordable and relatively inexpensive to manufacture, "subcompact" car, which would be used primarily for sale to the public for personal use. It is only logical that the prototype, it was decided to look to the German model - in addition to the traditionally high technical level of German cars, and the impact that they had in those years are quite common in the USSR, and many of their models have been familiar to drivers and mechanics, and on some models , producing the east of Germany, there were production documentation, and even tools for the production, the right to which the Soviet Union was in accordance with the post-war reparations agreements. For release in the USSR was chosen Opel Kadett K38, and in one of the most expensive and therefore a fairly rare form of execution - and a four-door with independent front suspension, a number of sources indicated with reference to the number of T-bills Resolution 9905 of 26 August 1945 "On the formulation on MZMA car production at Opel Kadett K-38 in its current form ", the choice of this modification was carried out personally by Joseph Stalin, it was also introduced a ban on making any changes to the design. Anyway, is December 4, 1946, eighteen months after the start of the pre-production plant of small cars (ZMA, so after the war, it was renamed the former CMM) has released the first copy of the new model, called the "Moskvich-400". Or, if you completely follow the original factory system of nomenclature of those years - "Moskvich-400-420": the first was the engine number, the second - the body. In those years, this car is usually called simply "Moskvich", since other "Muscovites" did not yet exist. It is interesting that public acceptance test car was "backdated" - only in 1949, in the course of their normal production. In 1954 there was a more powerful engine model - 401 (26 hp). Accordingly, the vehicle designation changed - now the base sedan called the "Moskvich-401-420." Production of "Muscovites" boomed: 10000th car off the assembly line in 1950, and soon after it has already reached an annual volume of 35 000 - 50 000. Cars "Moskvich-400" go on sale at the price of 8,000 rubles ("Moskvich-401" - 9000, "Victory" GAZ-M-20 was worth 16,000, "ZIM" GAZ-M-12 - 40 000 rubles, and the average salary in the national economy of the USSR in 1950 was 601 rubles).
- Filmography
- "Be careful, Grandma," "She Loves You," "Big Family", "Moscow does not believe in tears", "Adult children", "Car, Violin and Blot the Dog", "Garage", "Ladies Invite Gentlemen" "Seven days from Russian beauty", "Brother" (appears briefly in the episode), and "For a showcase of department store."
- Order
- For more information about retro auto rental, please contact tel.: 0 800 308 028. E-mail: y.dehtiarenko@film.ua.