
POSTMODERN launched Ukraine's first complex service of previsualization

• 03.12.2013

POSTMODERN presents a unique integrated service of previsualization, through which one can not only fully realize the creative potential of the project, but also significantly reduce the cost of production stage in Ukraine.

"Previz" - animated video showing all intra-frame movements, dialogues of the characters, frame duration, rough visual effects, as well as the schematics of shooting space with reference to the actual locations. In recent years previsualization has become a global standard for major film, TV and advertising projects. This service has been used successfully by the major studios in Hollywood. Increasingly, producers and directors use previsualization for understanding the creative potential of the project, cameramen and technical services specialists use previz as a tool for a detailed storyboard. After such preparation filming process becomes more efficient and less costly.

Also this service would be useful for advertising agencies, because it allows to create a presentation video which will allow more accurate and better demonstration of the idea and essence of the project to the client.

Previsualization services that provides POSTMODERN allow to plan the shooting period, work on actor shots in a virtual environment and to develop technologies for difficult scenes. Also it creates a technical specification in advance to all participants of the production process, and reduces the likelihood of errors in the production of computer graphics and visual effects.

In POSTMODERN previz department work not only technicians, but also previz directors who work closely with the director of a film at all stages of project preparation. Furthermore, in this work they use high-tech solutions such as motion capture system (Motion Capture) from VICON, which allows to create motion animation of a character 80% faster and virtual camera to simulate the operation of a real camera in 3D. All of these methods allow the director to experiment and try different options of shooting, develop set-ups without the involvement of actors and equipment.