
Oksana Bayrak finished shooting "She is the one"

• 14.01.2015

Oksana Bayrak finished shootng a 4-episode series "She is the one".

The love story with elements of a detective was partly filmed in Batumi, Georgia. Other scenes were shot in Kiev, one of the locations was apartment of Ukrainian ex-president Victor Yuschenko. 

Several generations of a big happy family live one-way life at the seaside. Only Masha, the author of women's novels, goes through a creative crisis. "There is no happiness - she says. - There is drama, romance, crime, but no happiness". However, her niece, Lyubava is a direct refutation of these words: she lives in a lovely house, has a perfect husband and a wonderful son...But the day she finds out about her husband cheating on her, Lyubava's life turns into hell. What if happiness does not exist?

While working on the script, Oksana Bayrak wrote a role for herself. She will play Masha, a woman who knows how to love and leaves when she feels like it. Also starring Sergei Zhigunov, Igor Vernik, Igor Botvin, Albert Filozov, Ksenia Khairova, Katerina Malikova and Maxim Pavlov. It's a debut for Igor Vernik's son Gregory. Another teen role is played by Maya Chaika, which debuted earlier in "Late regret".

The first day of shooting had to be postponed due to weather changes. “If I had no opportunity to shoot in the Pusha Voditsa, I’ll shoot in Batumi. I thought what if there will be a storm? Then my main character won’t come out of the fog and get into the tram, as intended. She will wander along the beach and the spindrifts will spray around", - says Oksana